There will be a Hockey Analytics Conference at Babson College near Boston on October 1, 2016.  It will be a day of hockey analytics talk and discussion.  Invited speakers include Michael Schuckers and Rob Vollman.  Michael Lopez will present a workshop on reproducible research using R.

IMPORTANT:  If you wish to make a presentation and have sent in an abstract, please see the bold information below.

Registration is at this link: Registration

The tentative program (updated 9/25) is here:  BOSHAC Program

SLIDES or LINKS to Slides:

Cole Anderson Crowd Wisdom and Player Evaluation

Eric Cantor Reconsidering the Lineup

Michael Lopez Reproducible Hockey Analysis Using R

Stephen Miller: Pythagoras on Ice

Michael Schuckers, Goalie Evaluation


We really appreciate the generous support of Babson’s Alumni office and helping us run our registration system and collecting fees for us.  However, we are finding it hard to pull text of abstracts out of their system as they were getting truncated.  So if you wish to present, please email your title and abstract to Rick Cleary , even if you already submitted the abstract on-line.  It looks like we’ll have room for all presenters.  If you have a strong preference for presenting in the late morning or mid-afternoon session, please let me know that as well.  New deadline for abstracts is Friday 9/16/16.

If you have questions at any time, don’t hesitate to contact any of the organizers.  (Rick Cleary,; George Recck,; or Luke Donoho,